Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Gone for an early shower

Of course, you would never know if this blog had closed down or not. But a lot of people are signing off, as Digby laments.

I suspect that many people think that it is now all over bar the shouting, as Democratic control of the Congress restores oversight and checks and balances limit the scope of the Imperial Presidency. I further suspect that many people are wrong, and that the wrecking of America in the last six years is not easily reversed. I predict a panic within the next six months as people begin to realize that the system is no longer responding to the controls.


SCOTUS is still nuts,

there is still a war in Iraq, and the Stalingrad-on-the-Tigris strategic weakness still applies,

the press are uniform, remotely controlled and hostile to any kind of initiative that hasn't been OKayed at the White House,

the Federal government is still run by partisan, evangelical hacks, instead of by experts, so expect another Katrina,

the deficit is out of control,

the economy is japanifying, hollowing itself out to low labor cost outsourcers,

everyone hates each other and will fight to the death rather than admit they were wrong.

A better recipe for breaking the Union it is hard to imagine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

no one cares

7:58 pm  

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